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CHAPTER 3: The Unitec case

3.2 Area of Business

Unitec operates in the field of the Supply Chain Management.
In particular, it is proposed to the companies like partner for outsourcing of supplyings and the development of solutions and specialistic applications of e-procurement.
The exact definition of the activity of Unitec is Integrated Supply Chain Management in Outsourcing.
The main scope of the activity of Unitec is to coadiuvare the enterprises to optimize and to reduce the costs generates from the management of one multitude to you of international suppliers.
The application of the concept of integrated supply and Outsourcing of supplyings devised and developed from Unitec, supported from the high degree of automation of the processes put into effect from the Information Technology, allows the effective and efficient management in outsourcing of the activities of procurement.
The mission of Unitec it is the transformation for the customers of the business fixed costs in variable costs and, at the same time, one they reduction. With this system, the customers can dedicate themselves totally to just Core business, delegating to the outside all those managerial processes that absorb resources.
Unitec supplies moreover means for the reingegnerizzazione of the supplying procedures, it supports the business continuous improvement and the Quality Management, and allows to generate from every cost a added value.
The customers of the service succeed to obtain ulterior benefits, which the economies based on the aggregation of the purchases and the activity of international industrial brokeraggio.

3.3 The services offers

Unitec offers to the own customers an immense range of services, that they space from the outsourcing of supplyings, to the brokeraggio, the integrated supply.
In particular, it is from years engaged in the development of Internet technologies for industrial supplyings, rendered possible from one called instrument Netsourcing. Such tendency has quite carried to the conception of a Virtual Warehouse, potentially usable from all the industries pertaining to one same industrial district, point of force of the Italian economy.

3.3.1 Outsourcing of supplyings

Unitec is probably the first operating company on base trades not subsidized them that it offers the outsourcing of supplyings to the enterprises of industrial type, junior clerk to the function acquires and tied the logistic operations to it.
The within of application of the concept of outsourcing of supplyings with Unitec could be general, therefore concerning whichever type of material, is it one raw materials or semifinished or an industrial machinery.
In truth, like already previously pointed out, Unitec one has specialized in supplyings of technical members for machinery and systems of industrial production.
The supplied members can be demands in various circumstances. First equipment can be be a matter according to of material, demanded in concomitanza with the purchase and the relative putting a new machinery, or of particular to assemble in a determined machinery or system, in the case in which the customer it constructs from himself such instruments.
The main reason of the demand for such members is but the necessity to obtain reciprocations, often also in the short times, connected to the activity of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the systems and the machinery of production.
To use the service of outsourcing of Unitec means to be able to decide of numerous opportunities, above all to variabilizzare the costs rendering them directly proporziona them to the conjunctural course.
Whichever product to an only interlocutor can be demanded, than it will be taken care to try it all over the world, taking care itself also to resolve the problems connected to the linguistiche difficulties and of relationship with far suppliers, having to disposition international competences.
The decennial relationship of Unitec with the own suppliers allows to obtain better prices, avoiding moreover to the customer the contact with suppliers who for he, instead, would be occasional.
The advantages of this service are mainly the price cutting of purchase, of the amount of documents and the number of the payments. Moreover, the function acquires of the fruitrice company of the service can be concentrated on own Core activity, while the operating costs of the logistics and supplyings are reduced and been able easily to be measured.
Unitec carries out moreover function of problem solver for the technical agencies, acquires, production and maintenance.
In the situated Internet di Unitec a called function Quick Poll is present, that it places every month different questions to the own visitors. It turns out you of some of these questions show that the recent economic challenges have provoked in the companies an increase of the interest towards the outsourcing, based mainly on expectations of improvement of turn out to you business, let alone of cost reduction of management.
Others turn out second demonstrate that the more important factors in the choice of a outsourcer are the level of the service and the directed cost reduction, and that the resolution of the outsourcing allows, the greater part of the interpellate companies, innovation, effects to you generate them benefits on the transactions, let alone the satisfaction of the customers to goes them.
The function more chosen as destinataria of the process of outsourcing it is that one of the purchases and supplyings.
The remarkable advantages of the outsourcing are confirmed also from international studies 24 .
An example is given from a commissioned international search from Cmg Logic, second which the operating ones could increase of 250% the value of their efficiencies if riuscissero to exceed the fear of the outsourcing, perceived like one strategy to elevated risk profile.
The study suggests to implement the services of outsourcing until the point of optimal, equivalent to 70% of functions terziarizzate against 30% of developed inner functions.
The two thirds party of the companies interested from the search think that the enterprise risk comes diminished proporzionando the terziarizzate activities correctly and those developed inner.

  • Note 24: Extracted from an article on the situated one


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